Portrait of Jesus Christ
Regular price $214.99I've always envisioned Jesus as being happy and smiling and laughing - not like most of the portraits I've seen on Him where He's super serious (almost to the point of wearing a look of scorn).
He LOVES people and even though we chose to deliver Him to the authorities to be crucified, when I read Scripture I 'hear' the smile in His voice and the sarcasm He sometimes employed. I believe Jesus is really like us (His creation) and by coming to the earth He created He is able to understand all of our trials and tribulations. Even though He was born to die to bring us into a relationship with Him, He knew joy and shared (and shares) the same with His children.
I can just imagine a sly grin on His face when He told the Pharisees that He was going to raise Himself from the dead after they destroyed His body (John 2:19-21).
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